Friday, February 14, 2020

Introduction to Universal Design for Learning -Guiding Questions Assignment

Introduction to Universal Design for Learning -Guiding Questions - Assignment Example Question 2. The framework of UDL comprises three basic principles. One of such principles tends to provide numerous ways of representation. This would let the individuals to know the instructions as directed by the instructors. In this principle, it can be concluded that learning differs in the way the learners recognize and use information. Another principle is identified to be providing multiple ways of action and expression. This would let the individuals to know the process through which learning occurs. In this principle, it can be concluded that the learning differentiates based on the approach of the learners in navigating the information. Moreover, the third principle is offering numerous ways of engagement. This would let the learners to know the reason for learning. Based on this principle, it can be concluded that certain affects are crucial element of learning and these would lead towards the progress or deterioration in learning procedure (National Center on Universal De sign for Learning, â€Å"Home†; Strauss, â€Å"Willingham: 3 Brain Facts Every Educator Should Know†). Question 3. Identifiably, there exists a significant association between the three principles of the UDL and three primary neutral networks that entail ‘recognition’, ‘affective’ as well as ‘strategic.’ In relation to the first principle concerning the deliverance of multiple ways of representation, it can be affirmed that the learners get influenced towards recognizing all the elements of learning. Moreover, with regards to the second principle, it can be apparently observed that the instructors often remain involved in offering numerous ways of action and expression, which in turn, results in making the learning procedure much more strategic. Furthermore, the third principle suggesting the offering of multiple ways to engagement for the

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