Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Instruct Clone Essay Example for Free

Instruct Clone Essay Scholars as well as religious and political leaders are bitterly divided on the issue of human cloning. Considering the potential benefits one would gain out of being cloned, I wonder why so many spoilsports are opposed to this miraculous feat of science. If I had my way, I would order several clones of myself and tutor them to act and speak as I do. I would instruct Clone A to report in my place at the office whenever I do something stupid; the boss would never know he’d be scolding another person. Clone B would take my place in the house whenever I expect to be late attending to some after-office activities; my wife would never suspect I’d been up to no good. Clone C would do nothing but stay fit and healthy, ready to be a spare parts supplier just in case one or several of my organs become useless or diseased. When I am bored, I would order my clones to wreak havoc on the neighbourhood and then go into hiding. Naturally I would be the prime suspect. But since I would have a rock-solid alibi, having been seen at the time of the crime several hundred miles away by a hundred people at a speaking engagement, I would have a field day laughing at the discomfiture of the police. A manhunt would then be launched against several John Does while I plot the next felony, possibly against the taxman or the debt collector. If I were a celebrity, I would instruct my clones to make those tiresome public appearances while I get paid for them. If I were a businessman, I would order my clones to do all the crazy things required to corner a deal. i.e. , lose a round or two of golf against prospective clients, say amen to this and that, be hypocrites, in short. While they are at it, I would have all the time enjoying life. I may even run for President, being able to campaign through my clones who shall do nothing but shake hands, kiss babies and make occasional idiotic remarks. There is only one downside to this scenario: human clones may not entirely submit themselves to manipulation by their creators, as Ewan MacGregor did in The Island. In that film, thousands of humans are cloned upon order of paying clients; predictably, the people who did the cloning for profit are the bad guys, and in the end MacGregor single-handedly destroys the entire facility. This is not a film review, but a project of such magnitude would have been impossible to keep a secret, and besides, if cloning technology would be that advanced, there would be little trouble growing human organs from stem cells which medical science is now trying to accomplish even with limited federal funding. I believe such implausible stories like The Island are only meant to scare off people from supporting the cloning of humans. The cloning critics refuse to see it, but the cloning of humans is far more economical than the orthodox way of raising them. To be a resident of planet earth, one has to be conceived and born, which means that some couple have to marry with all the attendant fuss and aches. They would have to work their butts off worrying about bills for milk, vaccinations, day care, baby-sitter, toys, and diapers. What an utter waste of time! Why not have a fully developed, mature, perfectly cloned human being in one fell swoop? Instead of day care centers, we would build cloning factories, churning out brand new copies of extant human beings by the thousands. Think about the employment it would generate, the savings in time and resources that would otherwise be spent in raising humans, not to mention the potential of such industries like bio-engineering and the manufacture of name tags (so people would not be confused). Clones, Unlimited would probably overtake Microsoft and General Motors. On top of it all, I would have a real stab at immortality. I would be immortalized not in books or monuments nor in the memories of men but through being kept perpetually alive in my physical body. There is a great possibility science would find a way to simplify organ transplants. Instead of doing piecemeal transplants, why not just transplant the head into a new body? That would be more simple and cost-efficient. Thus, when my body becomes diseased or paralyzed, surgeons would perform a head transplant, my head replacing the head of my clone. As a result, I would have a spanking new body with healthy organs. As to what happens to my clone who donates his body, I am sure science would find a way to dispose of him. Medical schools need cadavers. I may sound sarcastic, but I believe science always finds a way. I would then have the sheer pleasure of visiting acquaintances and enemies who thought I had succumbed to cancer or kidney failure. I would pump their hands while they gawk at me and tell them, â€Å"You thought I’d died, didn’t you? †

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